One Child El Salvador
Together, we are helping to CHANGE THE HEART OF A NATION – ONE CHILD AT A TIME!
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Outreach Committee is to discover and communicate the many ministries of our church, local community, and worldwide, and inspire involvement in outreach opportunities. Our purpose is to empower our church body to be the fingers out into these places, touching on needs and sharing the love of Jesus through our time, talent, and treasure.
The Outreach Committee helps organize and coordinate support for important community fundraisers and relief efforts, such as the following:
- Tomato Supper, for Community Helping Place
- Spaghetti Supper, for Jeremiah’s Place
- Side-by-Side, local community work day.
El Salvador Mission
Because of generous support from our DMC congregation over the past 18 years, we have seen this ministry grow from a barren plot of land into a thriving church and Christian school!
Together, we are helping to CHANGE THE HEART OF A NATION – ONE CHILD AT A TIME!
Currently, there are kindergarten through tenth grades. As of the beginning of this school year, there are 232 students! The school is growing and is adding the eleventh-grade next year. Construction is in progress to complete all needed classrooms. But there are still infrastructure needs.
We have heard testimonies from many local families in La Magdalena that this school IS MAKING A HUGE DIFFERENCE in the lives of these children.
Over the past 6 years, One Child El Salvador, Inc. has become an established, credible non-profit organization. We have a local board of directors in Dahlonega, as well as Un Niño El Salvador, a mirror foundation on the ground locally in El Salvador. The two groups work side by side to fulfill the vision of establishing high-quality Christian schools and further outreach of the El Salvador mission.
For just $30 per month, you can help ensure that this vital ministry continues by enrolling in the child sponsorship program. Visit our website for more information on child sponsorships. Or you can set up a recurring monthly donation of any amount without sponsoring, as it currently costs over $14,000 per month to operate the school.
You can also make checks out directly to One Child El Salvador, Inc. (not DMC) and drop them off at the church or mail to: P.O. Box 274, Dahlonega, GA 30533.
There are several ways YOU can get involved, including various volunteer opportunities, as well as going on future mission trips. Please contact us to find out how you fit into this vital ministry.
For More Information
If you need any additional information, please contact:
Johnny Martinez, OCES Board Chair
(706) 429-7061 | Jonathan.martinez2056@gmail.com
Lynn Pfeiffer, DMC El Salvador Mission Coordinator
(706) 265-5236 | onechildelsalvador@gmail.com