Prayer & Support Ministries
Intercessory Prayer Team
This team meets on Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. in the Church Library.
We have a team of intercessors who pray daily for your prayer requests. You may submit prayer requests by sending an email to office@dahmc.org or by placing your prayer request in one of the prayer boxes located at the entrances to our Sanctuary. We love to celebrate your praises too, so please share those as well. Our intercessors also pray regularly for our Church family, Church ministries, and community. Intercessors often choose to attend special community prayer events as well.
Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry developed by Stephen Ministries® St. Louis in 1975.
For More Information
If you or someone you know could benefit from Stephen Ministry caregiving, or if you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office
(706) 864-2521 or office@dahmc.org.