Publication Requests
How to Publicize Information
Your DMC Staff strives to produce material and information that is accurate and helpful. In order to help us do so, please follow the guidelines listed below.
Sunday Prospector Bulletin, Slides between services, Church-wide Emails, and Facebook postings
- Process: Information approved for publication is limited due to the allotted space available in church communications. Given the limited space available, the need may arise for editorial changes and/or omissions, as well as the determination of where information will be included. Please be advised that not all requests can be approved for publication.
- Publication: Approved printed information will run for a limited time of two weeks prior to the event. Some items, based on approval, may run for a lengthier time for sign-up purposes.
- Deadline: Items for publication need to be submitted a minimum of fourteen days prior to the date of desired publication. (Remember to allow for the two-week run time or whatever timing the publication is approved to run.)
- Submission: To submit an article for publication, you can 1) submit it electronically by completing the form below, 2) print, fill out, and email to or 3) forms are available at the church office to fill out and submit.
Announcements and Video Clips
- Please understand that there is limited time during worship services for announcements. Worship Service is just that – a time for worship. An announcement should be concise with who, what, where, when, and cost. The Communications Team must make very difficult decisions concerning the Announcement portion of Sunday morning Worship. These requests are not taken lightly and are decided by a team that weights and prioritizes based on time constraints. Typically, an announcement is limited to just one Sunday.
- Submission: When submitting the request form above, be sure to mark the box indicating that you would like an announcement or video. Videos should be under 3 minutes and available on YouTube or in QuickTime (MOV) format on a USB flash drive at the time of request.
We ask that these guidelines are followed and respectfully ask that requests are not made of the ministers just prior to services on Sundays. Each service is carefully planned well in advance (3 weeks minimum) and last-minute changes are difficult to accommodate.
The staff is very humbled by the excitement that individuals show in their ministry areas. We want you to have as much success in ‘getting the word out’ about your ministry area as you do! Help us to help you communicate your events!